For many, voting requires patienceThe Star-Ledger -, NJ - Nov 4, 2008Millions of new voters registered to participate in the election -- more than 630000 in New Jersey alone. But the surge also stoked fears that the polls ... |
 WMGM | RECORD VOTER TURN OUTWMGM, NJ - Nov 4, 2008For this election, voters in New Jersey have broken records. "It's new, it's different, and people are excited about voting." The Secretary of State says ... |
Morris voter turnout could break, NJ - Nov 4, 2008Registered voters can rest assured that every ballot cast in New Jersey will be counted." Wells' office said voters with complete voter registration ... |
Patience to be key for votersCherry Hill Courier Post, NJ - Nov 4, 2008New Jersey voters have long been able to cast absentee ballots in advance if they plan to be traveling or otherwise unavailable on Election Day. ... |
Economy brought voters to Obama, exit polls showThe Star-Ledger -, NJ - Nov 4, 2008Nearly nine out of 10 voters questioned in New Jersey expressed concerns about the economy, and 56 percent of them voted for Democrat Barack Obama over ... |
Majority of Middlesex County voters back ObamaScarlet Scuttlebutt, NJ - Nov 4, 2008"This has been a long road coming,'' said William "Wiggy'' Morton, an 85-year-old African-American from Woodbridge, who helped organize the New Jersey ... |
As the world watched, so did, NJ - Nov 4, 2008New Jersey was among the 23 states where 800 monitors were stationed, according to Justice Department spokesman Scot Montrey. ... |
Voters don't mind wait in Mt. LaurelCherry Hill Courier Post, NJ - Nov 4, 2008Harriette Cohen, 63, a retired social worker who teaches at The College of New Jersey, said she told her students to stay home and vote. ... |
Voting machines defendedCherry Hill Courier Post, NJ - Nov 4, 2008"If you're eligible to vote in the state of New Jersey, go vote. Don't waste that freedom," Chen said. "If for some reason you're turned away from the polls ... |
Close race favors, NJ - Nov 4, 2008Barack Obama drew a large following in New Jersey. Democrats outnumbered Republicans by more than 3-to-1 among voters who registered in Passaic County this ... |
Problems reported at area pollsThe Times of Trenton -, NJ - Nov 4, 2008And Smithson signed an order allowing Dunn to vote, as he did for all but a handful of voters who came to the courthouse. The plight of Dunn was similar to ... |
Penns Grove to have election monitorsCherry Hill Courier Post, NJ - Nov 4, 2008"Our understanding is that they reached a consent decree on alleged intimidation of Latino voters," said Laurie Brewer, a spokeswoman for the New Jersey ... |
Smith beats Zeitz in 4th district raceThe Star-Ledger -, NJ - Nov 4, 2008Chris Smith, the Republican who has represented New Jersey's 4th District in the House since 1981, beat Democrat Josh Zeitz, a teacher and author on history ... |
Take the time to go to the polls and voteVineland Daily Journal, NJ - Nov 4, 2008One of New Jersey's seats in the US Senate is up for grabs, along with all seats in the House of Representatives. In Cumberland County, three seats are open ... |
Newcomers may have to vote on paperThe Star-Ledger -, NJ - Nov 4, 2008The American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey said yesterday it would have more than 175 volunteer poll monitors and attorneys available to assist voters ... |
Eagleton site provides info on candidatesRU Daily Targum (subscription), NJ - Nov 4, 2008Seeking to educate New Jersey voters about candidates and election issues the Eagleton Institute of Politics has organized and funded a Web site called ... |
Can NJ Democrats ride coattails?Asbury Park Press, NJ - Nov 4, 2008If the incumbent prevails, Lautenberg would be the first person in New Jersey history to be elected to five Senate terms. Voters will also choose US ... |
Obama takes the lead, sweeping usually Dem statesThe Star-Ledger -, NJ - Nov 4, 2008Obama had Vermont, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Maine, Massachusetts, Maryland and New Jersey, as well as the District of Columbia, for 78 electoral ... |
Districts 11 and, NJ - Nov 4, 2008Frelinghuysen is a member of one of New Jersey's longtime political families. Four Frelinghuysens have served as US senators from New Jersey, ... |
Obama: "Change has come"Asbury Park Press, NJ - Nov 4, 2008Interviews with voters suggested that almost six in 10 women were backing Obama nationwide, while men leaned his way by a narrow margin. ... |
Long-shot candidates pose a threatThe Star-Ledger -, NJ - Nov 4, 2008In New Jersey, blind rabbi Dennis Shulman is threatening to defeat Republican Rep. Scott Garrett in the state’s most conservative district. ... |
Ocean County GOP holds onto 3 top seatsAsbury Park Press, NJ - Nov 4, 2008"I can tell you for the next five years, I will be the best county clerk for the people of Ocean County, the best county clerk for the people of New Jersey ... |