Maryland Voters Head To The PollsWJZ, MD - Nov 4, 2008Over the past two decades, voter turnout in Maryland has fluctuated between 70 and 80 percent. This year is predicted even higher. ... |
Maryland voters sign off on slotsSo Md News, MD - Nov 4, 2008The issue had great resonance in Southern Maryland where slot machines dominated the landscape in the 1950s and 1960s, leaving families penniless and ... |
St. Mary's goes with McCainSo Md News, MD - Nov 4, 2008Nearly 63 percent of St. Mary's County voters backed the reintroduction of slot machines to Maryland. Voters in the rest of the state agreed. ... |
Voters approve early votingSo Md News, MD - Nov 4, 2008But Southern Maryland voters who face lengthy commutes could benefit from the extra voting time. It also could come into play if inclement weather forecasts ... |
Early Voting Approved In MarylandWJZ, MD - Nov 4, 2008The constitutional amendment enables the General Assembly to enact legislation permitting qualified voters to cast their ballots up to two weeks before an ... |
State voters approve slotsFrederick News Post (subscription), MD - Nov 4, 2008As approved, Question 2 amends Maryland's constitution to allow the state to license a total of 15000 video lottery terminals, essentially computerized slot ... |
Election 2008: MarylandWHAG, MD - Nov 4, 2008Allegany County would be the only area affected in western Maryland. Voters are casting ballots for the state’s 6th district congressional seat. ... |
Obama cruises in region, Maryland, USSo Md News, MD - Nov 4, 2008Precincts in Southern Maryland reported few problems and potentially record-breaking turnout figures once all ballots are tallied. Across the state, voter ... |
Local / MarylandHagerstown Morning Herald, MD - Nov 4, 2008Dorothy Kaetzel, Washington County's election director, said she expects about 80 percent of the county's 85184 registered voters to cast votes this year. ... |
State-Level Races Shape Education LandscapeEducation Week News, MD - Nov 4, 2008In Maryland, voters approved a ballot initiative to legalize slot machines, which is expected to bring in an estimated $660 million a year in additional ... |
Voters and VeteransMilitary Watch, MD - Nov 4, 2008Out this morning interviewing voters in suburban Maryland, joyful supporters of Obama, joyful supporters of McCain, even a few happy Libertarians voting for ... |
Turnout high as voters make their choicesSo Md News, MD - Nov 4, 2008The close of voting was extended by 90 minutes in Maryland during February's primary election because of ice storms in some parts of the state. As voter ... |
Obama Only Carries Charles, Hoyer Sweeps So. Md.Southern Maryland Online, MD - Nov 4, 2008Several voters questioned say they supported the slots measure because they believed he revenue would be used for education. "That was the vote for the kids ... |
Long lines, high spiritsAnnapolis Capital, MD - Nov 4, 2008In the 2004 election, 78 percent of registered voters came out to the polls in Maryland. An 85 to 90 percent turnout would mean 280000 to 296500 people will ... |
ELECTION 2008: Voters get in line to cast ballotsExplore Baltimore County, MD - Nov 4, 2008Wearing an “I like Mike” T-shirt and asking people outside Catonsville Middle to consider his friend Mike Hargadon for Maryland’s 7th congressional district ... |
Hoyer pounds Bailey in 5th DistrictSo Md News, MD - Nov 4, 2008The district includes all three jurisdictions in Southern Maryland and southern portions of Anne Arundel and Prince George's counties. ... |
Dems' chair is presidential electorSo Md News, MD - Nov 4, 2008John McCain pulled off a stunner and won Maryland. Reynolds, who has chaired the county central committee for four years, said it's particularly significant ... |
Look beyond the trivia when you head to pollsHagerstown Morning Herald, MD - Nov 4, 2008Sources that have unfortunately become the bearers of reality to an easily influenced cross-section of voters. The real tragedy is that the real issues ... |
Election engages broad cross-section of populationFrederick News Post (subscription), MD - Nov 4, 2008That's not the situation in Maryland, where a physical address where mail can be received must be provided, according to Stuart Harvey, Frederick County ... |
Langer: Lower shore will put Harris over top...PolitickerMD, MD - Nov 4, 2008By Danny Reiter, Reporter Andrew Langer, the Eastern Shore coordinator for Maryland for McCain, said Tuesday Democrat Frank Kratovil will ... |
Voters Approve Slots In MarylandABC2 News, MD - Nov 4, 2008The sites are in Anne Arundel, Cecil and Worcester counties, the city of Baltimore and on state property in Rocky Gap State Park in western Maryland. ... |
Md. voters deciding on slotsHagerstown Morning Herald, MD - Nov 4, 2008... After years of tough debates in the General Assembly, the question of whether to legalize slot machine gambling in Maryland is in the voters’ hands. ... |
Voters ponder slots, bond issuesBaltimore Business Journal, MD - Nov 4, 2008They used their rationale as scientists at the University of Maryland to ultimately decide in favor of a measure that would legalize 15000 slot machines in ... |
State voters finally deciding slotsFrederick News Post (subscription), MD - Nov 4, 2008By AP AP BALTIMORE — Maryland voters are casting their ballots on the state’s contentious slot machine gambling debate. Jane Story, a 70-year-old Severna ... |
Dems Could Add 20 Seats To House MajorityWJZ, MD - Nov 4, 2008... the past week for early voters. Democrats now control the House by a 235-199 margin, with one vacancy. Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-Md., the majority leader, ... |
 Sydney Morning Herald | Obama Takes PennsylvaniaWBOC TV 16, MD - Nov 4, 2008CBS News also projects Obama will win the states of Vermont, Illinois, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Maryland, Connecticut, Maine, Delaware and ...Obama Takes Pennsylvania, Ohio WBOC TV 16all 1,903 news articles » |
Slots Ammendment Is Biggest MD IssueABC2 News, MD - Nov 4, 2008Voters also will decide on an early voting amendment whether they want Maryland to join more than 30 states and set aside more time to cast their ballots. ... |
SALISBURY VOTERS: Exit interviewsDelmarva Daily Times, MD - Nov 4, 2008WHY - She thought Maryland already had early voting and wants to see smaller crowds at the polls. WRAP-UP COMMENT - "People are getting laid off. ... |
Turnout steady on the ShoreDelmarva Now, MD - Nov 4, 2008... and two controversial amendments to the state constitution in Maryland; and gubernatorial, senate and county races in Delaware. Voter turnout was heavy ... |
Obama takes the lead, sweeping usually Dem statesAnnapolis Capital, MD - Nov 4, 2008Obama had New Hampshire, Vermont, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Maine, Massachusetts, Maryland and New Jersey, as well as the District of Columbia, ... |
Ficker's ballot question trailing in close voteBusiness Gazette, MD - Nov 4, 2008A third ballot question regarding the county's anti-discrimination law was removed from the ballot after a decision by the Maryland Appeals Court last ... |
18-year-olds ready for their first time votingDelmarva Daily Times, MD - Nov 4, 2008Patel is a member of his school's Student Government Association and volunteers for the Maryland for McCain campaign, taking phone calls and visiting voters ... |
Now it's your turnDelmarva Now, MD - Nov 4, 2008Today marks the culmination of a long and hard-fought battle for the presidency of the United States, as well as a race to fill Maryland's 1st District ...In order to show you the most relevant results, we have omitted some entries very similar to the 52 already displayed. If you like, you can repeat the search with the omitted results included. |