Alabama voters worried about economyMontgomery Advertiser, AL - Nov 4, 2008AP • November 4, 2008 WASHINGTON - An Associated Press exit poll finds the vast majority of Alabama voters are worried about the direction of the economy, ... |
Voters reject Washington County sales, AL - Nov 4, 2008The amendment marked one of the most prominent issues in six southwest Alabama counties, as officials around Washington said they needed money from the ... |
More voters helps system work wellDemopolis Times, AL - Nov 4, 2008A record number of voters took part in the democratic process yesterday. Voters turned out in large numbers across Alabama and across the nation. ... |
Voting 'massive' in Autauga CountyMontgomery Advertiser, AL - Nov 4, 2008Johnson contacted the Central Alabama Eletrical Co-op and told poll workers to go ahead and get read to vote. Power was turned back on at 10 minutes before ... |
Patience at the polls, pleasePress-Register -, AL - Nov 4, 2008Far too many elected officials in Alabama are put in office by 25 percent or less of the registered voters. Today, that won't be a problem. ... |
Top Local StoriesMyFox Birmingham, AL - Nov 4, 2008If early voting lines in other states are any indication of how long lines will be in Alabama, voters need to be ready. Alabama’s secretary of state is ... |
Voting Q&AThe Huntsville Times -, AL - Nov 4, 2008A: Call the Alabama attorney general's office hot line at 800-831-8814. Calls are free. Or call the special US attorney's hot line at 205-244-2001 or the ... |
Local black leaders say Obama will 'unite'News Courier, AL - Nov 4, 2008... voters go in droves to the polls. By Tuesday night, 146 years after the Emancipation Proclamation freed Negro slaves and 45 years after Alabama Gov. ... |
Poverty & state taxesThe Huntsville Times -, AL - Nov 4, 2008In Alabama, the poor aren't just always with us; they also face more problems than those with low incomes elsewhere. And one reason is state government. ... |
Poll Workers Handle Large CrowdsWTVY, AL - Nov 4, 2008Secretary of state Beth Chapman is predicting Alabama will break its record turnout of 76 percent in the 1992 presidential race. ... |
Today it is important we all do our dutyTimes-Journal, AL - Nov 4, 2008Both across Alabama and in DeKalb County, voters will make critical decisions that will have strong impact over the next several years. ... |
Baldwin poised to make historyPress-Register -, AL - Nov 4, 2008... reaching the 80 percent level countywide as voters head to the polls from 7 am to 7 pm Alabama Secretary of State Beth Chapman has predicted statewide ... |
Election More Than Just An Obama WinWERC, AL - Nov 4, 2008... Wiregrass voters chose Democrat Bobby Bright over Republican Jay Love for outgoing Terry Everett's congressional seat. In District 5 in north Alabama, ... | | Mike Rogers Survives Close, AL - Nov 4, 2008The 29-year-old launched a powerful, public attack on Rogers that clearly hit home with many voters during a tough time nationally for Republican incumbents ... |
Voters should expect lines, officials warnMontgomery Advertiser, AL - Nov 4, 2008The state's chief election official is forecasting four out of every five Alabama voters will cast ballots in the election. "Yes, there are going to be ... |
Warren makes history with re-electionTimes-Journal, AL - Nov 4, 2008Warren attributed the high Republican turnout in DeKalb County to the support Alabama gave to presidential candidate Sen. John McCain. ... |
Key findings from the Alabama exit, AL - Nov 4, 2008It is also slightly lower than Democrat John Kerry's support among Alabama whites in 2004. Nearly 60 percent of Alabama voters said the economy was the most ... |
Aderholt re-elected to 7th term in CongressTimes-Journal, AL - Nov 4, 2008With 84 percent of the precincts reporting statewide, it appeared voters opted to extend a rainy day fund for the state’s Education Trust Fund and create a ... |
Griffith wins here; Amendment One goes, AL - Nov 4, 2008Meanwhile, Madison County voters said "no, thanks" to the proposal to borrow from the state's oil and natural gas trust fund to meet a budget shortfall. ... |
Obama triumphs, will be first black presidentTroy Messenger, AL - Nov 4, 2008A survey of voters leaving polling places on Tuesday showed the economy was by far the top Election Day issue. Six in 10 voters said so, and none of the ... |
Paseur holds narrow lead over ShawGadsden Times (subscription), AL - Nov 4, 2008Shaw, 51, is in his second term as a judge on the Alabama Court of Criminal Appeals. If Shaw wins the Supreme Court seat, Gov. ... |
Barack Obama elected presidentMontgomery Advertiser, AL - Nov 4, 2008A survey of voters leaving polling places showed the economy was by far the top Election Day issue. Six in 10 voters said so, and none of the other top ... |