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NH Officials prepare for big voter turnout
Foster's Daily Democrat, NH - Nov 4, 2008
Larger towns are preparing for long lines and busy parking lots, as well. In Hampton, a bus will shuttle voters from the town office to the polls to ...
Political organizers agree this election unlike those in the past
Laconia Citizen, NH - Nov 4, 2008
Belknap County Democratic Committee Chair Lynn Chong expects long lines at polling places and hopes both voters and poll workers will be able to remain ...
The turnout was heavy on a beautiful Election Day
The Union Leader, NH - Nov 4, 2008
A sign at the door read "11:00 am - 4700 voters." Several activist volunteers said they had seen a steady stream of voters, but no long lines. ...
Stratham Around the Town
York Weekly, NH - Nov 4, 2008
In early October, representatives from the New Hampshire Department of Revenue Administration (DRA) informed the town that it was late for its reassessment, ...

ABC News
Campaign 2008: Expect long Lines at Local Polling Places
WGIR, NH - Nov 4, 2008
Long lines of voters waited their turns at many locations. Polls close in parts of Indiana and Kentucky at 6 pm EST and over the following six hours in the ...
America Votes WGIR
all 5,439 news articles »
Early signs point to big turnout in NH
Laconia Citizen, NH - Nov 4, 2008
By HOLLY RAMER AP Writer Long lines at some New Hampshire polling places that opened early suggested that the predicted heavy turnout for Tuesday's election ...
Democrats snag Va. Senate seat, expect more gains
Foster's Daily Democrat, NH - Nov 4, 2008
Voters flocked to the polls to fill 35 Senate seats in a year in which both parties said they expected Democratic gains. In South Carolina, Republican Sen. ...

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