Mid-Michigan voters charged to cast ballotsLansing State Journal, MI - Nov 4, 2008Brown said, "We decided to get each other up to avoid long lines." They were each clutching their voter registration cards in their hands as an election ... |
Michigan students vote in historic numbersDetNews.com, MI - Nov 4, 2008As part of the university-sponsored YouVote effort, Beard wanted to ensure that MSU students were part of an anticipated record-breaking young voter turnout ... |
Michiganians say voting worth the waitDetNews.com, MI - Nov 4, 2008Michigan voters turned out in droves early Tuesday to cast their ballots in today's historic presidential election. Streets for blocks around Longfellow ... |
Why are so many Americans voting this yearWLNS, MI - Nov 4, 2008Michigan voter: "It's one of the most important elections that we've had in years. My future's dependent on this election." Bill Rustem, public sector ... |
Polls open around West MichiganWZZM, MI - Nov 4, 2008Voters started lining up at Fire Station 2 shortly before 6:30 this morning. When the doors opened at 7:00am, at least 75 people were in line. ... |
Voters in area arrived at polls as early as 5:30The Ann Arbor News - MLive.com, MI - Nov 4, 2008Polling places across the area saw long lines of voters this morning who were eager to cast their ballots in today's historic presidential election that ... |
The voters take overWOOD-TV, MI - Nov 4, 2008Rostick and others however, say voters remain in good spirits, focusing not on the frustration of long lines, but on the importance of having such a good ... |
Voter RightsMy TV20 Detroit, MI - Nov 4, 2008Kary Moss of Michigan's ACLU, wants voters to know that wearing politcal paraphernalia should not prevent you from voting. ... |
Metro Detroit lawyers help out on Election DayCrain's Detroit Business, MI - Nov 4, 2008Other Miller Canfield attorneys are Michigan Voter Protection boiler room volunteers; phone bank volunteers for the nonpartisan Lawyers Committee for Civil ... |
TAYLOR: Election worker is an iron womanSouthgate News Herald, MI - Nov 4, 2008Hoffman was scheduled to be among the dozens of Michigan residents doing their civic duty yesterday on Election Day. She was scheduled to sign in voters at ... |
 Sydney Morning Herald | "At this point, we need a miracle," a McCain aide told CBS News.WWJ, MI - Nov 4, 2008CBS News also projects Obama will win Michigan, as well as New York, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Vermont, Illinois, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, ...OBAMA LEADS EARLY; MICHIGAN POLLS CLOSED Livingston DailyObama Takes Pennsylvania, Michigan WWJall 1,961 news articles » |
Election Do's and Dont'sMy TV20 Detroit, MI - Nov 4, 2008Early voting has ended in Michigan. Give yourself plenty of time if you have to vote tomorrow. Record crowds are expected across the state as voters decide ... |
Obama defeats McCain for presidencyPort Huron Times Herald, MI - Nov 4, 2008By Election Day, a remarkable 98% of Michigan’s eligible voters were registered, one of the highest rates in the country. |
Experts: Voter turnout could be unprecedentedWZZM, MI - Nov 4, 2008States that did not have widespread early voting, such as Michigan, Missouri, Pennsylvania and Virginia, reported long lines. Robert Ware, 63, an election ... |
Lines steady after morning rushLivingston Daily, MI - Nov 4, 2008By Eric Sharp At Michigan State University at the People's Church, sophomore and first time voter, Molly Varon, said the line was short, but workers said ... |
State ACLU reports 'thousands of complaints'Livingston Daily, MI - Nov 4, 2008BY JOE SWICKARD • GANNETT NEWS SERVICE • November 4, 2008 Polling places across metro Detroit are being plagued by long lines and some voting machine ... |