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Long lines form at polls in East Valley
East Valley Tribune, AZ - Nov 4, 2008
They have to decide eight proposition measures including Proposition 102 over whether to amend the Arizona Constitution to specify marriage must be confined ...
Tucson voter turnout steady but not crazy
KVOA.com, AZ - Nov 4, 2008
Voters say they had braced for long lines and problems at the polls. One voter expected the long lines because of the prediction that 80 percent of ...
Half of Ariz. voters may have already filled out ballots
ASU Web Devil, AZ - Nov 4, 2008
About 50 percent of Arizona voters are expected to make their decisions early this year, said State Election Director Joe Kanefield. ...

Phoenix New Times
Arizona polling places open until 7 pm
KSWT-TV, AZ - Nov 4, 2008
Arizona law requires voters casting ballots at polling places to show identification. Secretary of State Jan Brewer says 80% of Arizona's registered voters ...
Maricopa County expecting 85% turnout AZ Central.com
all 55 news articles »

Arizona Capitol Times
AZ election results to start at 8 pm - except Pima
Arizona Capitol Times, AZ - Nov 4, 2008
... 80 percent of registered Arizona voters are expected to cast ballots, according to the Secretary of State's Office. Long lines were reported at polling ...
Wait times vary at Valley polls
ASU Web Devil, AZ - Nov 4, 2008
Many expected this year's election to have a large turnout, and people stood in long lines at some Valley polling places Tuesday. Those Election Day voters' ...
Distracted drivers make their dent today
Kingman Daily Miner, AZ - Nov 4, 2008
KINGMAN - Today is Election Day, and thousands of voters all across Arizona will be taking time to hop in the car and drive to their polling place. ...
Long lines fill up Arizona's polls, how was your experience?
ABC15.com (KNXV-TV), AZ - Nov 4, 2008
Voters who haven't mailed or turned in their early ballots can do so today at any polling place in their county. Arizona law requires voters casting ballots ...

History Happens: Obama Wins
KOLD-TV, AZ - Nov 4, 2008
McCain aides said the Arizona senator, whose own campaign made history by coming back from the political graveyard to win the nomination, called Obama just ...
all 1,487 news articles »
Both parties expect Democratic Senate pickups
AZ Central.com, AZ - Nov 4, 2008
AP WASHINGTON - Democrats counted on solidifying their thin leadership grip on the Senate as voters flocked to the polls Tuesday to fill 35 Senate seats. ...
Democrats are looking for bigger House majority FOX11AZ.com
google news commentComment by Michael Franc V.P. for Gov't Relations, The Heritage Foundation
all 3,874 news articles »

KYMA, AZ - Nov 4, 2008
John McCain of Arizona, whose running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, was seeking to become the nation’s first female vice president. ...
Obama Wins 9 Early States
KPHO Phoenix, AZ - Nov 4, 2008
The economy was by far the top issue on voters' minds and a huge drag on McCain, who Obama successfully tied to unpopular President George W. Bush. ...
Marylanders hit Election Day polls in droves
Phoenix Business Journal (subscription), AZ - Nov 4, 2008
The pundits were right this time — about long lines, that is. Morning was anything but quiet at Greater Baltimore’s polling places as voters flocked to cast ...

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