Team Kibitzers endured 100° temperatures and completed a fantastic ride through the farmland of Northern Illinois. Most importantly we exceeded our original fundraising goal for the Multiple Sclerosis Society. This ride also served as a test run for our Circle Lake Michigan Tour that began the following week.


Tony sets up housekeeping at the MS Tent City on the campus of Northern Illinois University.

Where are the directions for this thing?

Last minute check before heading out.

Some Kibitzers served as volunteers.

There was great support for the riders.


Almost all the riding was on flat terrain. Riders had to contend with the wind, heat and the long distance.

The first day of riding had options of 35, 75 and 100 miles. Most of the Kibitzers rode the 75 mile option but Tony opted for the 100 mile route.


Tony and Steve leisurely cruising.


Peter and Steve still smiling after all those long miles.

Typical rest stop along the route. Riders were always monitored by volunteers along the route. Rest stops offered refreshments and shady areas to relax.

Leslie and Bruce enjoy the cool evening.


Content after a great ride

Kibitzing is always in order

Team Kibitzer

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