Part 2 - Missoula to Bozeman

Jerry and Steve continued their Lewis and Clark tour through the Bitterroot Valley, into the Big Hole and then up to Bozeman.


Black Rabbit Campground in Hamilton, MT actually had rabbits all over the place.

We had a much easier time biking the road than Lewis and Clark.

The early trappers would be blown away by how populated the Bitterroot Valley has become.

The water felt good after a hike into the hills

Steve riding up Lost Trail Pass. It took most of the morning to make it to the summit.

This was a new fire that erupted just over the hill from where we were having lunch. The road was closed the next day to all traffic.

The firefighters didn't want people hanging out in the fire area. We had to wait for a pilot car to lead us through this area.

This was the Wisdom Fire. The road up Lost Trail Pass and into the Big Hole was closed the day after we traveled it.

View from our campsite in the Wisdom City Park.

The Big Hole River is famous for trout fishing. Because of the severe drought it was closed to fisherman but not to these thirsty cows.

We got up at sunrise to beat the heat. 

Jerry at sunrise in the Big Hole.

Steve at sunrise in the Big Hole.

Early Morning in the Big Hole.

Sunrise in the Big Hole.

Twin fawns were curious about us. We wondered where their mother was?

Sacajawea knew she was near her homeland when she saw Beaverhead Rock.

Road leading Lewis and Clark Caverns State Park.

Cavern in Lewis and Clark Caverns State Park.

This road seemed to go on forever.

Granny's Country Store

Parker Homestead

These medical tools were similar to what was used on the Lewis and Clark Expedition.

Steve at the headwaters of the Missouri, Madison and Gallatin Rivers.


Lewis and Clark stood up here trying to figure out which way to go. Luckily, we had better maps.


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