Part 1- Portland to Missoula

Bill Dolnick, Sue Carrol, Leo Gorenstein, Steve Heller, Michael Peshkin, 

Michael Presser, Jerry Rudnick, Peter Scheff

Portland, Oregon to Bozeman, Montana

Ready to head out from Portland Airport

First night at Oxbow County Park

It was hard to pass up a chance for fresh fruit

Entering the Columbia River Gorge

Multnomah Falls

Too close to edge for Presser to be in this picture

Exciting ride back down to the Columbia River

The tour is not only riding. The Kibitzers take a coffee break in Hood River, Oregon

Who needs gas?

Bikes lined up outside Nez Perce Center

Taking a break in the 105° heat outside of WallaWalla


After two planes and a cab ride, Peshkin arrives with bagels and cream cheese.

This was one of our favorite campsites





Do I have to get up?

Take a break on US 12 along the Clearwater

Washroom with a view

Cooking dinner was always a cooperative project

Mid-day siesta

Josh and Bill end a perfect day on the Lochsa River

The route was easy to follow


Who has the map?

Riding up Hwy. 12 to Lolo Pass

High Point of the trip

Downhill from here to Missoula 

Link to the trips most memorable moments.

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Related Websites - (Adventure Cycling Association) - (Savvy Traveler Radio Show on Lewis and Clark Bicycle Trip) - (Follow the journal of two riders who traveled the Lewis and Clark Trail by bike.)