This tour started with Al and Jerry being escorted out of Chicago by the larger Kibitzers' group. After a great send off breakfast in Highland Park, Al and Jerry rode for a week through Wisconsin and met the Kibitzers in Reedsberg. From Reedsberg, the group toured along the 400 Trail, the Sparta-Elroy Trail, the LaCrosse River Trail and the Great River Trail to Trempealeau along the Mighty Mississippi. At this point, the group headed back to Chicago with the exception of Jerry. He continued his tour through Wisconsin and Minnesota. 

Ready to take off from Reedsberg Campground. For many of the bikers, this was their first self-contained tour.

This tank in LaFarge was too tempting to pass up.

We always stopped in the towns along the trail. 

Stylish Riders

This was Eli's second Kibitzers' Tour

Everyone enjoyed the tour.


Sometimes it was good to get off on your own.

Bill and Bria

Anyone see the kids?

One of Al's many exercises

Kibitzer Lookouts

Don't these guys ever tired?

Each day starts off with breakfast in town and then the group lineup to leave.

Eli and Bria have been friends for many years.


Ice in water bottles is refreshing on a hot day.


The coolness of the tunnels felt refreshing.

Eli and Mark

Dolnick Sisters

Assembling the troops


What was that?

Nature Woman Bria


Nora and Peter are ready to go.

Finding a place for 23 people to eat breakfast was sometimes problematic. In Sparta we had to divide up between two restaurants.

Getting ready to leave took a while.

Nora and Geri


Bria is watching Jerry so she can handle the next wheel truing.


Al was telling the kids one of his many stories

Ready to go


Everyone was excited about completing the tour.

Sorry to see a great trip come to an end.

It's so much easier to unpack.

Michael's happy he won't have to sleep in a tent tonight.

The Kibitzers rode along four different trails including the 400 Trail, the Sparta-Elroy Trail, The LaCrosse River Trail and the Great River Trail.

Are you sure we got all the stuff in these cars on the way up?


Jerry continued his tour following the Mississippi River through Wisconsin and Minnesota.


Return to Kibitzers' Home Page - (Information about trails near Elroy, Wisconsin) - (Find a Wisconsin State Trail) - (This site has all kinds of information about the area surrounding the Sparta Elroy Trail, including lodging, bike rentals, camping, restaurants, etc.)